
Oh hey. So, I'm totally new to this aspect of the site. I didn't realize it was here until recently when I went to go check up on my myotaku page and Petie left me a comment talking about worlds. So I went to figure out what they were, and now here I am. How about that.

Not really sure what to say. Basic information is listed in the little introduction part up there.

Happy holidays and such. Mine just finished up. Christmas Eve day is spent at my aunt's for my mom's family, the actual day is spent lazing around home, and the next two days we go to my grandmother's for my dad's family. Not a big family person myself, and it all ends up leading to frustration over little cousins or uncles screwing things up, but now it's over and I'm home with a pile of candy from siblings. I don't have to head back to campus until January 19th either. Or rather, that's when classes start.
