Humans Vs Zombies

So there's this huge game going on on my campus. About 450 people are playing. It's human vs. zombies.
Humans wear an orange bandanna on their arm and shoot zombies with nerf guns. Then a zombie is stunned for 15 minutes and can't tag anyone. If a human is tagged they go into berserker mode for 30 minutes and can shoot zombies without fear of being tagged again.
Zombies wear their orange bandanna on their heads and try to tag humans to turn them into zombies. They die by starving if they don't make a kill within 48 hours. Zombies log kills on a website by entering the human's card number, and then that human is turned into a zombie as well.
Each side completes missions to earn extra abilities, like zombies can turn in bullets for extra time before they starve. Humans can eventually earn melee weapons.

So it started Wednesday. Today is Friday. I managed to stay a human this whole time, until tonight.
We had a mission to gather 7 objects and place them under the clock tower, then guard them for 10 minutes. First, I had to get there. I was finishing dinner when I saw a large group of humans pass by. I instantly jumped up and joined them. We sprinted from the food court to a dorm, then cut all the way through and sprinted to the library. Then we cut through that and the other food court, and finally went out a back door to a courtyard. (Buildings are safe zones.) There are buildings around it, and when we ran through, we noticed people in full camouflage up on the catwalk balcony things above us. They were providing cover from zombies for people trying to get to the clock tower.

There had to be about 50 humans or more, with around 20 zombies charging in randomly from all directions to try and tag us or take the objects back.
I went out on the first item run. But, I didn't know what I was doing. So I king of lagged, until our 'leader' noticed and called me over. Only, he was one of the guys dressed in full army camo with a bulletproof looking vest, and he and others covered me by forming a line and I ran behind their ranks to join the group. Then it was just a matter of following directions.
Then, a zombie charged me. I shot him in the stomach, and then he tackled my legs, knocking me flat. He instantly claimed he'd tagged me and demanded my ID card, but the army guy ran up and chased him off, so I remained playing, and rejoined them. But, I tried to retrieve my nerf bullet... Army guy grabbed my arm, scolded me, and pulled me back to the safety of the group. xD

At another part, during the guarding, a wall of zombies lined up to try and rush us. So the army guy was like "VULCAN TO THE FRONT" and two guys appeared with MASSIVE nerf guns that shot out thirty bullets or more, and just unloaded on the zombies, stunning them all.

But this is the bad part.
We completed the mission. We guarded the stuff for 10 minutes. The stuff was to make a boat, by the way. One of the items was T-Pain's picture. 8D
But then the mods announced that at the strike of 8, the safety zone would be no more, and we'd be left to fend for ourselves. Not that there was a safety zone, since zombies charged right in anyway.
So, I found a huge group going to my dorm and joined with them. I was standing right in the middle of them. I glanced down to pull out my keys to help us get into the building faster, and then felt someone grab my shoulder. A zombie had snuck up behind us and tagged me and two others, without anyone realizing until it was too late. Our eyes had been on the zombies lining the street waiting for us to move.
I was so mad. xDD But I gave him my card.

Once you are tagged, you go into berserker mode for 30 minutes. This means you can shoot zombies but they can't tag you since you were already caught. So, I fended off the zombies to help the humans get away, and soon after that I had to switch my band to my head to become a zombie myself. It was a sad day indeed.

Anyway, most of my team were zombies by that point anyway. So I hung out with them for an hour or so longer before finally coming back to my room, revealing to my roommate that I'd been changed.
Well, at least I can walk around outside without paranoia now. As a human, you have to constantly watch all angles for attack. But I do have to find a human to feed off of. I have until Sunday night, and I refuse to starve. So pitiful.

Anyway, I just wanted to log this somewhere. You're awesome if you read it. xD
