Now I know we all have a little bit of a child left in us somewhere. Whether we present this fact to the world or it's deep, deep down inside it's there. Well, I can tell anyone and everyone that I show that fact often and I want this world to be the place for childishness and fun. To talk about the adorable kids shows, the newest animated movies, even the cutest Disney prince. Whatever it is! Our random thoughts, that can show we are all Peter Pan inside. Does that make sense?
Warning!: There will be randomness! This will show what I haven't spoken to the world. Now you will see the unspeakable.

A Story Worth Being Told and Heard

This man's story is remarkable. His tale is incredibly touching. If you haven't watched it before please watch and enjoy.
It made me want to cry and give him a hug. He deserves one.

Got Any Grapes?

My mom punished me for showing this to her. "This song is by Bryant Oden. Animation by Forrest Whaley."

How Bout That Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony for the olympics was pretty fantastic in my opinion. What could be better than an army of Mary Poppins? Please comment