Naruto Chapter 476

Sorry about not spillin' the beams on the last chapter. ^^; Here's this one though!

Summary: Sai goes after Sakura to try and reason with her and Naruto faints. Meanwhile, Danzo and Sasuke are fighting. SASY KILLED DANZO!!! 8D *rip* Wait, WTF? YOU WERE CRUSHED TO DEATH! DX DAMN IT! And that's where the chapter leaves off. Sasuke royally pissed and Danzo disappearing. -__-

Okay . . . ^^; Excuse me while I quickly get this out of my system. *bleep* HELL, DANZO! JUST *bleep*ing DIE! D:< *stabs him with Sasuke's sword and sends him flying off with a Rasengan and Chidori combo*

Okay, that's out know. Hope you enjoy the chapter. ^^ *Sasuke cowers under table*
