How to Play: Each post will contain two copies of an image, one that is the original and one that has been changed, the first people to point out the differences win up to 3 icon requests~

-One comment containing guesses per person
-Each comment can contain the maximum amount of guesses
-No stealing other guesses
-If you guess 1 correct you get 1 request, 2 for 2 ect.
-Winners will be posted at the bottom of each post with the # of icons they’ve won
-If you win, you're responsible for contacting me with your requests
-Prizes will be posted in my world Photostatic Icons
-Requests will be completed on weekends unless stated otherwise
-& Have fun! :D
[Round Summaries]

Round 3

Please read the rules~ Welcome to round 3! I think we're all caught up on requests, I just haven't had time to work on them yet~ ;D The maximum amount of guesses for this round is 2! I'll be gone for a while today so it might not be until later tonight that I update the post. That is if you don't guess them all while I'm here~ XD Most of you know the rules pretty well by now so I think it'll be fine~ Good Luck!

Completed! All differences have been spotted! Well, congrats to the 3 participants for this round XD You managed to guess everything before I had to get off the computer~ See you all Friday!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

Karu and Kuro: Missing confetti on his cheek, Missing button - 2 Icons
Domine Kuro: Missing pony tail, string holding his glasses is missing - 2 Icons
Felcie: Glasses are a different color, confetti ribbon is shorter - 2 Icons

Bonus Round 2

Ok, you get another bonus round because I really want to stump you all~ If someone gets this I will be very impressed~ If no one does then I will gloat >:D Ahaha, but seriously, do try to guess it~<3 Have fun!

Timcanpy14 & FallenAngel 01 you guys are the only ones left with requests and those are just for today, so when you've thought of something let me know what your requests are~

Completed! The difference was found! Well darn! You're all too good at this game~ Ahaha, one day I'll hide a difference really well~ one day! XXD Haha, I hope you're all having fun because I sure am~ Ok, for real this time, see you all on Tuesday~

When someone guesses right, I'll update the image with a red circle highlighting the difference~

Timcanpy14 - Missing curtain ring - 1 Card

Bonus Round 1

Please read the rules~ Welcome to our first ever bonus round! I tried to make it super difficult & if you get them right away I'll cry be happy~ There are only 3 differences and each person gets only one guess! Will the winners from rounds 1&2 please contact me with their requests~ If you've already requested your icons you can find them [here]. Good Luck!

Completed! All differences have been spotted! I'm crying happy since you all figured it out so fast XD Haha~ I'll have to step my game up for round 3~ Congrats to those who won the first bonus round! See you all on Tuesday~

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

Timcanpy14: Blue haired girl's bow doesn't have glowing spots - 3 Icons + gift
FallenAngel 01: Blue haired girl's thumb isn't showing - 3 Icons + gift
ItachiSasuke: Coffee cup mascot is different - 3 Icons + gift

Round 2

Please read the rules~ Welcome to Round 2! Will the winners from round 1 please contact me with their requests~ If you won and don't want any icons, that's fine too, you can have bragging rights instead~ ;D Maybe I'll keep a record of how many requests someone has if they don't use them and if they save up 10 maybe I'll change it to a card request, or 20 for a wallpaper. What do you think? I'm still working out the kinks and such for this so if you've got any suggestions let me know~ I mean you're the ones doing all the guessing :P I tried to make this one hard so Good Luck!

Completed! All differences have been spotted~

Ok, that was too easy, one of these rounds I'm going to completely stump you all! I think I'll have to to a bonus round maybe on Sunday since this one ended so fast~ Winners can leave their requests here or PM me~ See you all Sunday for a Bonus Round!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

TwinkLes: Her scarf is shorter, Trollface, No leg bands on the boy - 3 Icons
Ritona Raito: Missing lights, Hair tie is a different color - 2 Icons
ItachiSasuke: Missing belt loop, Shorter hair on the girl, Missing chain on guy's pants - 3 Icons
Felcie: Red earring, No white on handle of girl's weapon - 2 Icons

Round 1

Please read the rules above before you play~ Lol, ok, since the four of you who participated in the 'for fun' round in my personal world seemed to enjoy yourselves, I decided to make a world for this~ Planning on 2 rounds a week and we'll see how long I can keep up with this XD unless everyone gets bored before that So here's the official Round 1!

Completed! All but one difference was spoted! Ok, technically it's only 10:00 but I've got a date with Amnesia: The Dark Descent so I'm ending this round early~ The difference you all missed is in blue! Although I'm sure it's because the only people interested in playing already wasted their one comment~ See you all Friday for round 2!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

Hulaberry32: Ear is rounded, Hair is missing - 2 Icons
Felcie: Trollface! Missing finger - 2 Icons
FallenAngel 01: Mouth is now closed, Front & back of coat are closed - 3 Icons
ItachiSasuke: Collar buttons are missing, eye contains less pink - 2 Icons