How to Play: Each post will contain two copies of an image, one that is the original and one that has been changed, the first people to point out the differences win up to 3 icon requests~

-One comment containing guesses per person
-Each comment can contain the maximum amount of guesses
-No stealing other guesses
-If you guess 1 correct you get 1 request, 2 for 2 ect.
-Winners will be posted at the bottom of each post with the # of icons they’ve won
-If you win, you're responsible for contacting me with your requests
-Prizes will be posted in my world Photostatic Icons
-Requests will be completed on weekends unless stated otherwise
-& Have fun! :D
[Round Summaries]

Round 28

Please read the rules~ Welcome to round 28! This is a little later than usual because I didn't have it made up in advance, sorry about that. Good luck and have fun! :D

Previous round requests:
In Progress: ItachiSasuke (5), Ritona Raito (3), Felcie (2) & Amestar (2)
Unclaimed: chibi-anna-chan (1) & SakuraDust (1)

Closed! The missed difference is in blue!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

ev1lmunchk1n: Carousel horse flower, Paper text, Tea cup - 3 Icons
TwinkLes: Checkerboard tile, Trollflower, Pillow dot - 3 Icons
Asuha612: Different book color - 1 Icon
Felcie: Missing tower, Missing leaf - 2 Icons
ItachiSasuke: Missing hair strand - 1 Icon
Amestar: Missing tree branch - 1 Icon
xCrisisCorexZackx: Missing giraffe spot - 1 Icon

Round 27

Please read the rules~ Welcome to round 27! Sorry that this is pretty late, I woke up late today and then had to go to the store and do a few other living-on-my-own type chores~ ;D Best of luck for this round!

Previous round requests:
Unclaimed: chibi-anna-chan (1)
In Progress: ItachiSasuke (3)

Completed! All differences have been spotted!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

Ritona Raito: Trollladle, Vase color, Missing peppers - 3 Icons
ItachiSasuke: Cabinet handle, Missing pot - 2 Icons
SakuraDust: Bag text - 1 Icon
Felcie: Stove burner, Yellow jar - 2 Icons
Amestar: Missing cabinet molding, Missing tile design - 2 Icons

Rounds 21-25 Summary & Leaderboard

Requests for rounds 21-25 are now officially closed.

The first 2 rounds that took place with me back at college went surprisingly well. I hope that there weren't that many time conflicting issues with the posting for all of you. It's looking like as long as I don't get swamped with any big huge projects, I'll be able to keep this game going~ ;D All of you are still playing each week so there's that to consider too!

The all-time leaderboard is the same as it was last time, our champs are holding onto their titles well~ Or they're the only ones who really love playing XD

All Time Leaderboard:
1. Felcie: 50
2. Hanako Sho: 40
3. Ritona Raito: 24

Rounds 21-25 Leaderboard:
1. Felcie: 11
2. Hanako Sho: 10
3. ItachiSasuke & xCrisisCorexZackx: 6

Round 26

Please read the rules~ Ugggghhh. TGIF amirite? Don't let anyone tell you college is fun. Well it is fun, but it also kind of sucks~ ;D For the first time in at least 7 months I hadn't been able to go on the computer for 3 days straight, it was very strange. Anyway! /rambling Requests and the summary post will be completed tomorrow~ Good Luck!

Requests for rounds 21-25 are now officially closed.

Completed! All differences have been spotted!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

ItachiSasuke: Fire extinguisher, Black sign text, Missing book - 3 Icons
chibi-anna-chan: Trollbook - 1 Icon
Amestar: Red sign text, Book color - 2 Icons + 1 [For honesty ;D]
Felcie: Non-transparent shelf, Blinds - 2 Icons
ev1lmunchk1n: Missing floor line, Missing white on book - 2 Icons

Round 25

Please read the rules~ Welcome to round 25! It's the last round for block 5 and you know what that means! Requests for rounds 21-25 close Thursday, September 29th! Please remember the slight changes to posting times as well since I'm back in school.

Time updates for Spot the Differece:
Tuesday: I have no classes this day so expect the post anywhere from 9:00am to 12:00pm pacific time.
Friday: Will be posted after 1:30pm pacific time.
Prizes: Will be completed on weekends.

Previous round requests:
In-Progress: chibi-anna-chan (1) & ItachiSasuke (1)
Unclaimed: Asuha612 (2)

Completed! All differences have been spotted!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

Hanako Sho: Missing T, Missing 4, Trollsale - 3 Icons
xCrisisCorexZackx: Light rope, Scissors, Missing pins - 3 Icons
ItachiSasuke: Calendar hook, Register paper - 2 Icons
Felcie: Missing phone button - 1 Icon
sweetdevil: Missing cable - 1 Icon