Please read the rules~ Welcome to round 16! I apologize for this being a day late! D: If you didn't read the post from yesterday, I mistakenly said 'see you Tuesday' on the leaderboard post and forgot that Friday was when the next round should be posted. My bad ladies and gents! That aside, on with the round! :D
Completed! All differences have been spotted!
As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~
Domine Kuro: Red folder, Trolljar, Missing jar - 3 Icons
AriesXzeroSeven: Monkey shirt, Missing carpet square, Missing text on orange box - 3 Icons
TwinkLes: 'X' on paper - 1 Icon
Felcie: Missing screen text - 1 Icon
Hanako Sho: Missing chair leg, Missing part of cup logo - 2 Icons
LOL. Ok so in the summary for rounds 11-15 I mistakenly said "see you Tuesday" and since I wrote that instead of "see you Friday", I completely forgot that today was Friday and that round 16 should have been today. And, literally, the second before this post I remembered and was like "OH SHIT" DX
I also didn't get up until like noon and right after I woke up I started playing Infamous. All excuses aside, it completely slipped my mind and I apologize~
Round 16 will be posted tomorrow either in the morning or late afternoon pacific time. [Depending on if I go out or anything tomorrow]
Requests for rounds 11-15 are now officially closed.
Hanako Sho completely destroyed all of you during this third set of rounds. Like literally annihilated the competition, my hat goes off to you Hanako~ ;D Not only that, but she actually claimed all of her requests quickly and efficiently, that makes it easier on me~ There were 6 sets of prizes that weren't claimed, but that's why that "you're responsible" rule is up there~
Anyway! Felcie is still our all-time champion, although Hanako has snuck her way into second throughout these latest rounds~ While we seem to not be getting any new players, all of you regular and occasional players are still showing up. As long as that continues to happen, I'll still be posting rounds and making prizes~ See you all on Tuesday!
All Time Leaderboard
1. Felcie - 27 Wins
2. Hanako Sho - 23 Wins
3. TwinkLes - 17 Wins
Rounds 11-15 Leaderboard
1. Hanako Sho - 16 Wins
2. Felcie - 8 Wins
3. TwinkLes - 6 Wins
Please read the rules~ Welcome to round 15, the last round in this 11-15 section. Requests for these rounds will close 12:00am PST Thursday August 18. Sorry this round is a little later than normal. Have Fun!
Completed! All differences have been spotted!
As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~
Ritona Raito: Eye color, Trollbutton, Missing flower on dress - 3 Icons
Hanako Sho: Missing shoe strap, Missing petal, Missing gong stick - 3 Icons
Felcie: Missing hair band, Flag is now orange, Missing people on balcony - 3 Icons
Hulaberry32: Different color tile - 1 Icon
Please read the rules~ Welcome to round 14! All requests made up until right now are completed and can be found in the prize post in Photostatic Icons. Please keep in mind that requests for rounds 11-15 will close 12:00am PST Thursday August 18. Another big thanks to Ritona Raito for filling in on Tuesday!
Completed! All differences have been spotted!
As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~
Hanako Sho: Trolldoll, No tea in teacup, Missing polka dot in bow - 3 Icons
Hulaberry32: Missing plate, Different color hair flower, Missing button - 3 Icons
Felcie: Missing shoe strap, Missing flower, Missing fence section - 3 Icons
Asuha612: Missing chandelier light - 1 Icon