Rounds 6-10 Summary & Leaderboard

Requests for rounds 6-10 are now officially closed.

Spot the difference has now been active for 10 rounds and I think it's still going fantastic! :D You all still seem to be having fun and I'm still having fun setting up each round~ I've stumped you guys a few times I think, but you manage to find all the differences like 97% of the time XXD Have fun with the 2 leaderboards for this section of rounds!

Icon requests will be completed tomorrow. If you have any suggestions for spot the difference, don't be afraid to let me know~ If you don't know if you have any requests you can ask about that too~ See you all on Tuesday! ;D

All Time Leaderboard

1. Felcie - 19 Wins
2. Ritona Raito & TwinkLes: 11 Wins
3 fma17 & ItachiSasuke: 8 Wins

Rounds 6-10 Leaderboard

1. Felcie - 9 Wins
2. Ritona Raito & Hanako Sho - 7 Wins
3. fma17 & TwinkLes - 6 Wins
