
Round 19 will be postponed. I plan to have it up before Friday so that means you should look for it on Wednesday or Thursday. I wasn't feeling well today so I took a nap for about 4 hours and just woke up feeling worse than I did before. I plan to eat some soup and then go back to bed~ Thus, I won't have time to make up round 19 tonight. This also means that requests won't be completed until Wednesday or Thursday either.

Who knows, if I'm feeling better in the morning, I'll throw a round together really quick. So it actually might be posted tomorrow, just later than normal~

Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding~<3


P.S. These are the people from the last round that I've yet to receive requests from: Asuha612, Hulaberry32, Timcanpy14, & MikuBerry. Please check for your winnings and request if you want to~ Maybe I'll just start listing whose still got requests on rounds. What do you think?
