Please read the rules~ Welcome to round 22! I'm really behind on requests and I'd like to apologize for it. I've been distracted by getting ready to go back to school as well as by Dead Island~ I'll finish them either today or tomorrow, I promise~ ;D There are some extra differences this round~ Have fun!
Completed! All differences have been spotted!
As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~
Ritona Raito: Cat's bowtie, Missing O, Longer hair, Brighter light - 4 Icons [Rule exception made]
Felcie: Missing record, Missing spoon, Missing leaf - 3 Icons
Hanako Sho: Missing S - 1 Icon
CleaversForKids: Picture, Teapot lid - 2 Icons
xCrisisCorexZackx: Missing tulip leaf - 1 Icon
Asuha612: Missing tile, Missing tea - 2 Icons