Round 33

Please read the rules~ Here's that big post I know some of you were waiting for! This round officially announces the return of Spot the Difference! :D I really apologize for having to put it on hiatus for so long. Thank you all for being patient and not sending me complaining PM's~<3 You know the routine, so good luck and have fun!

Previous round requests: {If for some reason you don't want your icons please let me know~}
Unclaimed: Ritona Raito (1), chibi-anna-chan (2), CleaversForKids (2), ItachiSasuke (2)

Closed! The missed differences are in blue!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

chibi-anna-chan: Missing pattern on pan, Trollclock - 2 Icons
Felcie: Purple handle, Red box - 2 Icons
ItachiSasuke: Drawer knob - 1 Icon
fma17: Box tape, bottle label - 2 Icons
CleaversForKids: Top box - 1 Icon
