
WOAH ness people, guess what???

Well for everyone who doesn't know I've been promoted YAY

CrimzonN3k0 z: Senior Otaku

Very awesome right??

Well, I know that I haven't been posting anything recently in any of my worlds, but yeah I just can't find the time but I will post something in ALL of my worlds soon, so look out for it lolz

Chritstmas tree O Christmas TREE??

I was helping my little bro put up the chritmas tress right? Right
Well we get things going and sadly all of the bead things and the boa things that you put on a tree are all tangled
My bro was all in the way, I was like "move I'm untangleing the stuff"
but no he was all "I wanna help let me let me"
Well anyways we get the tree all up and stuff but the WALAH
the STAR, most important part
So my bro comes along and was all let me help "NO"
And so the tree tips over and falls down
Then I had to put it up again T.T

External Image

Crimzon's FIRST KISS

WOAH, mmkay I have this "boyfriend" (I still blush when I say that hee hee) but anyways, we haven't been going out that long, not even a week really (-_-) but anywasys x2
he's really nice but then a little agressive at times, idk maybe all boys are this way but (blushes) This is my first bf (faints).....So like today I was just hangin out with him after school and then he grabbeb my pigtail and just KISSES ME (*.*)
I was sooo effin shocked I didn't know wut to do, I was a lil scared ya know, then he goes "mmm cherry is my favoriet" OMG WTF
But yeah that was my first kiss
But later on he kissed me again and slipped me the TOUNGE???
I was in my head like *OMG WTF do I do, so I went with it, but it didn't feel right, but he didn't coplain so....(blushes)
Well that's my story so um yeah
(gonna go crawll under a rock now)


Mmmmkay so like yesterday right I went to go and make my first challenge but...I put it in the wrong category T.T, how embarassing, I realized right after I clicked submit DAMMIT, I wanted to change and fix it but my mom was all "get off the computer" T.T thanks a lot mommy it's obvious how much you love me...I didn't even think people would look at my challenge..why people, why. Then I was embarassed cuz people caought my mistake T.T...DAMMITx2..but wtever...so much for my first challenge huh *sighs*..But I will not give up, I will try again next month, BELIEVE IT. lolz so um yeah *shakes head* please pray for me, it obvious that I need help

Take me home