I WANT to be an IDOL

I sit here in my room and ask myself this question everyday....
"N3k0-chan?...Why arent you famous??? Why are you still a big nobody that no one knows about?" And my answer to myself is this..."Why the hell am I talking to myself????"
But in all seriousness, I think that if I really tried, I could probably be famous??? But...my mom wont let me make youtube vids "What if you get an important job and they find this and use it against you?"
1. Its not like Im doing something X-rated ~ I keep everything PG...13 XD (PG-13)
2. If they dont like me they can bite my shiny metal CAN (I said can)
3. If I make it big then I wont need any other dumb job >:3

She is also worried about me getting negative comments on things that I will do.

this is my statement for all my haters, a quote from a blood on the dancefloor song


Im just saying, I have a tough skin, haters only fuel my lust for being great and proving them all wrong!

All I want is "My 15 minutes of Fame"

I really want it...

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