Last Week....

Okay, I didnt really have the chance to post much last week because it was SUPER BUSY!!
It was the week of Homecoming at my school ~ Sooo you know what that means???


MONDAY: Hat Day ~
I was given a Hello Kitty hat as a super late birthday present XD
and this is the exact hat that I wore....

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Whats funnier is that I wore my red extensions that day XD (This pic is not me by the way)

TUESDAY: Twin Day ~

What was funny about this day is that a lot of people actually participated in this one ~ I was surprised XD I was all Twiny with my friend from school!

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WEDNESDAY: Gothic Day/Dress For Success Day ~

Alright the story behind this was really irritating....
At the beginning of the week the announcements and flyers all said "Wednesday is Gothic Day" So my friends and I are all excited and stuff ~ Tuesday afternoon they decided to change it over the announcements and say "There's been a change in Spirit Week....Wednesday will now be dress for Success day" :/ ....I was super pissed and stuff...but this is how I basically came.....

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Heh ~ Yeah, arent I a stinker??
I did Gothic Day kind of with a twist, people kept asking me "Dont you know the days changed???" and I would respond with a smile and say "I like dressing this way, and one day when I become a successful fashion designer...this is how Im going to dress, Im dressing for my own success" People were irritated XDDD

THURSDAY: Dress for Success Day / Wacky Tacky Day ~

Well Dress for Success Day was suppose to be Thursday but got pushed up to Wednesday, eliminating Gothic Day making Thursday Wacky Tacky Day DX
Unfortunately...I was kinda feeling sick that day so I dressed regular....

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FRIDAY: School Colors Day ~

This day was simple, just wear you school colors ~ Mines are Black and Orange (That is so Halloweeny DXXX)
So yeah....

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So basically dress like its Halloween and BAM!!
School Spirit XD

Bleh, this was my last week DDDDXX
