How was your Holiday? + Such = More Nonsense

So! I know Im actually a bit late with this post and I will tell you my reason for that later :3 What I really want to know is ~ HOW WAS EVERYONES HOLIDAY? Did you get that 1 special present that you wanted the most? Did you have a Christmas wish? If so, did it come true? If you dont celebrate Christmas or anything then ~ what have you been up to? Alright well this is how mines went. <Christmas eve I had to go out of town because we were going to spend the holidayss with my grandma. Buuuut before we could even leave we were all trying to cook our food for the Christmas dinner the next day. I can't cook, but I love baking. So I tried baking some cupcakes...i poured too much batter into the pans or whatever the little cupcake things to when they baked, the cupcakes looked more like muffins X3 I decided to call them "Puff Cakes" but you totally couldnt even tell because I put frosting over them so it was okay. I also baked some brownies, which must have been very good because...I only ate 2 and then they were gone..I baked like 24 of them Dx but its fine, my family liked them. I also made jello (strawberry) with fruit pieces in it. So we left home really late, my mom and aunt weren't finished with their dishes so they cooked them at my granny's house....but by the time we got there it was 1am =.=. Christmas morning...didn't feel like Christmas because my granny had NOTHING Christmas like in her house, no gifts, no tree...nothing..OH! To top it off there was NO SNOW!! I live in Michigan, we always have snow, but not for the past couple of snowed the day AFTER Christmas. >.> Damn clouds. I didnt even make it back home onn time. Everytime my mom said "Okay lets go" it actually ment "We"re going to see one more of my highschool friends." :/ so we made it home at 2:30am...December 26...and opened our presents at 3am the day AFTER Christmas. ((Gifts: Money, pink headphones with a lot of bass, black boots, ear muffs and one of them has cat ears on them X3, a Shizuo Heiwajima Dakimakura (body pillow) gift cards and yeah..)) it was an okay Christmas...not the best but I was nice. I got a lovely cold the day after Christmas too so...thats why Ive been absent...and Im still not quite over it Dx so ~ whish me well. I hope you all are doing alright ~ I need some medicine now X3
