My name is Carney, a ridiculous name for a person in my opinion. I am a man of many a tale. I have some awesome brain tweaks that make my life very interesting. If you are tuning in to my world for the first time you will realize my love for Doctor Who, Venture Bros., Metal, and anime (derp). But I enjoy mostly old anime, but time and again I'll find something very interesting that's new.

[Still working on awesome banner to insert here]

These are the different sides of me:
1. I am a hockey goalie. I live, breathe, and sleep hockey.

2. I am currently employed by Lego and have a NonDisclosure Agreement with them.

3. I enjoy cos-ing and would always love to do more so of it.

4. Hardcore gamer. Love games, but low cash flow.

5. A damn good looking dude. Maybe. Probably.

Carney's Piece of Mind

Tagged by Blood Huntress Rules: -Tag at least 6 people. -Be honest... 01. What's your favorite things about theOtaku? You can be yourself. No matter how weird you think you might be there are people just as weird as ...

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Calling All Whozians!!!!

Today I was bored, so I wanted to watch a movie. I couldn't decide so I put on the 1996 Paul McGann Doctor Who movie. As I proceeded to watch, questions started to go through my head. I don't read a lot of extended nor do I know much that happens outside the show. I shall now list these questions:

1. Which Doctor reincarnation fought in the Great Time War? Paul McGann or Chris Eccleston?

2. Not really question but the 7th and 8th Doctor's TARDIS kicks ass.

3. If the Master used up all 13 regenerations how did he have almost 3 more after?

4. Do Time Lords really only have 13 regenerations? If so that throws my fiction off, by like 3 regenerations...

5. Last, Who can't wait till Saturday? Because its killing me.

Well, that was that. I now will ponder on this some more. Thanks for reading.

Also, don't forget to help me out with my fic. I am very open to input. Thanks.

So Its Decided...

So I'm going through with my Doctor Who story. I know all the peoples want my great fan writings... Sometimes you got to go against the common flow and give a giant middle finger to those who don't like Doctor Who fan-fics... So I will have it up within the week. And thus I take my bow...

Ventilation is Actually Important

So I'm in the process of gluing the TARDIS. And well the only place to do it is in my basement. It's cold and dry enough so it doesn't screw with the glue. But this also means I can not open the window in my basement. So tonight I am trying a new glue and well its strong. My brain feels melty right now. So common sense conquers all. Proper ventilation is key.

P.S. I have written a DW fan-fic, but I am very self conscious about it. So maybe I'll post, maybe I won't. It involves the Doctor and Thor.

So far behind..

I'm so far behind in all the different series that I'm watching. I'm 3 weeks behind in Durarara, 2 weeks behind in HEROMAN, and I have 3 Evengelion movies sitting in my computer to watch. Not to mention My brother-in-law has all of the original season 1 of doctor who to watch. But thanks to taking summer classes and working almost everyday I have no time to catch up. So I have devoted all of Wednesday to catch up on most of my anime at least. I need time...

And I believe UPS needs to deliver faster. I want my Blue legos quicker and timelier. I can't wait any longer...

UPDATE: I came home from class today to find a giant box with Ice Bags full of Legos... I shall be in bliss for a while. I'll keep a photo journal of every other step. Toodles..