My name is Carney, a ridiculous name for a person in my opinion. I am a man of many a tale. I have some awesome brain tweaks that make my life very interesting. If you are tuning in to my world for the first time you will realize my love for Doctor Who, Venture Bros., Metal, and anime (derp). But I enjoy mostly old anime, but time and again I'll find something very interesting that's new.

[Still working on awesome banner to insert here]

These are the different sides of me:
1. I am a hockey goalie. I live, breathe, and sleep hockey.

2. I am currently employed by Lego and have a NonDisclosure Agreement with them.

3. I enjoy cos-ing and would always love to do more so of it.

4. Hardcore gamer. Love games, but low cash flow.

5. A damn good looking dude. Maybe. Probably.

Sleep Deprivation Usually Leads to the Doctor

It seems like Spring Break has thrown my sleep schedule. All day yesterday (Sunday) I felt like garbage because I'm pretty sure I got a total of 14 hrs of sleep. So I've felt like garbage and well haven't been able to sleep when I want. So when I ...

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Mind Blowing!

Time travel can screw with your mind, all I'm saying. So the other day I was talking with my best friend while playing NHL 09. He had made a custom team with custom people and everything. We had made a person based off an annoying goalie I ...

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Curses! And Fun

Been awhile since I've made a post. Had a bunch of stuff floating around in my head so I entered shut-in mode. But as of last week I hadn't much to say, but as always St. Patty's came around and that always gives me something to talk about, as I've been saying all month.

The evening started off later than anticipated, but was still worth it. Ryu had popped in at 6:30ish foolishly wearing shorts and short sleeves For my basement is extremely chilly when its nice outside. Needless to say he curled up in a bunch of blankets. I was playing Mass Effect 2 and I was in the zone. So he grabbed his record player and put on the only comedian necessary to be played on St Patty's, George Carlin. What? He's Irish, its legit man. My other friend who had been at band practice dropped in around 9, bringing along the keyboardist from the band. Its always entertaining when they're over. Once they got here the fun started. I went to the fridge and took out the Guinness. We started drinking and listening to a lot of Irish music. Then the keyboardist whips out a game called Earth Defense Force. It was a great experience. There is no point to the game. You just go around shooting giant spiders, ants, and robots. It was fun. Ryu was the first to pass out around 2. Then my other friend at 3. All that was left was me and the Keyboardist we stayed up till 5:30-6ish playing that damned game. He eventually went home. And I passed out, finally. Then I remembered I had a midterm at 9. Crap. Got 2 hrs of sleep and got 100% on it. Suck on that sleep.

Proceeding on in the week. The day, Friday. I usually have class on Fridays. this time I went to class and only 6 people showed up. Six people out 30. It was a freaking conspiracy. So my 3hr lecture became 1hr. Nice. This meant I could meet up with the band and go to the show with them. We get to the venue for load in and find out we have 3 hrs to kill. So the keyboardist was hungry and he wanted to walk to get some food. It was a nice day I don't blame him, until I decided to go with him and ended up getting food at an Arby's 3 miles away from the venue. At the time I had no problem. The next day my legs were mush. But we get back to the venue and realize the band has been tagged for admittance. We did not get them. We got up to the table to get them and the gave the keyboardist one, but not me. The entrance fee was 10$. I had zero. so I said I too was in the band which usually works. This time they wanted proof. So I told them I was backup vocals. Our band was up and I had to got on stage. I usually only hang around the same 5 people, so I'm not what you call a people person. So I went on stage nervous as shit and introduced our songs, band, etc., etc. I had a mic so I had to sing. Its a metal band and well its hard to understand the lyrics. I had only looked at the lyrics sheet once. Ever. I did surprisingly well. i was all over the stage and it was awesome! It gives you a good kick. though from death grunting all night I could not talk by the end of the night. I went home after rather than hanging with band because I was exaughisted from staying up all night. I got home setup for sleep and fell asleep.... AT 6 AGAIN!! GAAAHHH!!!

Saturday was my friends birthday party. I would go on a lot as I did a top. If I could remember what happened. If you want to know ask Ryu, he summed it up well and apparently changed my picture at some point in the evening. It was fun. I remember watching Durarara at like 5 in the morning again. Once again no sleep. Now what's funny is that as I'm typing right now I look at my clock. It says 5:03. WHAT!!!

Well I hoped you enjoy my rambling. Nothing better to do with my life so I thought I'd share.

Why Rolo? Why???

Today I got my first haircut in, I believe, 8 months. I was letting grow out so I would have a lot of leeway for my cos for Acen. I have been told that I must cos as Rolo for one of the days because the entire club is doing Code Geass for club. I ...

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Durarara... What's up?

So Ryu came to me a few weeks ago telling me of a show that he saw in club. Actually how it went down was I had missed club that week because some of my many injuries (I'm very accident prone), Any who I missed club and they had watched a great show which I knew not of at the time. Ryu invited me to his family party and in the car the Durarara opening or ending song, one of the two, came on and he started explaining to me what weird shows the guy in club that airs the shows was showing and Ryu went on explaining Ladies vs. Butlers and he wanted to un-see the show.
The conversation then moved onto Durarara. He was trying to explain what the series to me, but couldn't really find the words to describe it and told me to watch for myself.

I did. I watched the first and second episode in club. I was eager to watch on. I went home and searched hard for all the episodes up to date and once finished downloading I mini-marathoned the episodes I had. I could not find words. I was in total awe. I needed more. It was all I could think of. Then the next episode came out and it was just as good. And so on and so forth up to this week. Today my brother came home and was wondering if i had anything new on my computer. He saw a folder labeled Durarara. He asked me what it was and just like Ryu to me I couldn't really describe it beyond a headless Irish reaper searching for her head. So I said, "Screw it, just watch it for yourself." He did as well. The first thing he said was, "WTF, Russian sushi?"
So to that I say Durarara.. What's up?