A Project of HUGE Proportions

Over the past few months I have been submitting my Lego creations to Lego themselves. The first thing I put up was my walker thing, and it got a few hits on their site. Then I decided to post my Dalak. I got 2,000 hits in one week! Thats insane. After that huge response I decided to make the Tardis. I have yet to post here, been meaning to. I posted it up and pretty much got the same response. I posted it Friday night and when I opened my email this morning there was one from Lego. They were emailing me saying that they were very interested in my ability to turn objects from shows into lego. They asked me to build the Tardis in real life and keep them posted. Included in the email was a lifetime discount card for the Lego store. Only 20% off, but whatever. So I have asked permission from the mother and she said that I can do it. Mostly she feels guilty because I fell out of the tree a couple weeks ago. So I've started. I'm shuffling through looking for blue, black and white Legos right now for the Police Box sign on the Tardis.
