The Very Heart of the Matter

Weeeelllll then. Its been a while since I've rambled about all things nerdy in my realm of infinite nerdness. So I think I'll start with something fresh.

For the very moment I am retiring myself from anime. Well not entirely. I believe I will explain. I have been so tied up in work and other life things I haven't had the time to actually sit down and enjoy anime. And with Onemanga going down I have lost my main source of reading. My main focuses don't leave the nerd world, but I'm mainly switching focus towards comics. I'm a long time comic reader and its easy to stay with. All I do pick up my comic once a week.

On the note of me switching nerd focuses I hope to resume my anime nerdity by combining my comic nerd as well when G4 premieres their Marvel anime... Then the combination of the two can truly satisfy my nerd. AND THEN I WIL RULE THE WORLD!!! BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

But also because I'm switching my focus that means my Doctor Who writing will primarily be marvel comic tie-ins. And well what happens when you have a bunch of Iron Man armors in the Realm of the Doctor? Well you can keep the word man in the title...

Other shit has been going down in the fair state of Illinois but that would really be ranting and that might be painful. Not to me, but to you. Well then, toodles...
