So for some strange reason at like 9:30 I hit a massive wall of depressive forces. I have no idea why. I was happily taking a hack saw to a computer monitor when, WHAM! It hit me like a sack of bricks. Now I just feel this awful feeling of loneliness. Its not like a no friend loneliness its more of a no one beside you loneliness. And as defining evidence of this feeling I am watching Star Wars Empire Strikes Back. Because all that movie is, is a series of downers. I mean Han gets frozen in carbinite and taken away by Boba Fett, Luke gets his hand cut off, and then finds out Vader's his father... I mean its just a series of downers. All Jedi had was a bunch of muppets. Which might I add look like Shaft in comparison to Jar Jar Binks. And to avoid any fights with me never bring up Jar Jar Binks... Well of to sulk...
Also this isn't a sympathy/crying out for people to pay attention to me post. I feel better when I write and get it off my chest.