Snubbing the Stars Once Again. BOOSH!

Alright, so I went to another convention over this past weekend, Anime St. Louis, and once again a blast. But it seems that I have a problem knowing who exactly people are. I'm not talking cosplays either. For example at Anime Milwaukee I had a conversation and got my picture taken by Chris Cason, voice of Mr. Popo, gluttony, etc. And didn't know who the hell it was until after. Well it happened again, but this time it took me 2 full days to realize it. I turns out I had a nice conversation with Kyle Hebert. Voices of most mainstream anime. I don't feel that bad though because I have to believe they enjoy conversations without someone bringing up anime or pointing out what they do.

But Once again I went as the Illustrious Gentleman Fett all three days. It was a good time. I went with Ryu. We headed down Friday around noon after wanting to originally leave at 9. Funny thing is we arrived only an hour behind our original schedule. The trip down was uneventful for the most. Saw lots of Windmills. Although we did have some fun at the expense of the other drivers. I have shitty memory so bare with me. I believe our first fun was we passed a guy and he was behind us for awhile then all the sudden he got up to 90 mph and passed us. So Ryu did what you're supposed to do when you get passed, go 100mph and pass the bastard. Then the next event was the chevy following our every move. That was highly entertaining, but then we lost him... Sad. And last was scaring the crap out of the chick in the red car in front of us. Like to the point where she B-lined to get as far away from us as possible.

As we get to the con a lovely storm rolls in. Or so we thought. Turned out to be a tornado. So ASTL's nickname as tornado con still holds. Friday was pretty lazy mostly because 4 or so hours in the car can make you very apathetic. But we did you to the Doug Walker Brad Jones Q&A as Classy Fett And Classy Prime. We made Doug Walker laugh hard with our classy clapping. Also got a picture with them but my sd card hates me so it scrambled it. During said autograph session Ryu got complemented on his Slenderman cos by takahata101. Ryu continued to scare people with that cos for most the weekend.

Saturday I did what I do best. Nothing. I decided to do a living statue, and I have to say it was very successful. I scared a couple people and got mauled with pictures. Until I was felt up by a horribly skanky cat lady. Then I decided that I was done for a while. Went to the rave and danced by the non-stop partying Vash, who might I add, was a very good Vash. Then I began to get sick of dub-step and I "accidently" punch an obnoxious kid in a tapout shirt, so I went to the Team Four Star 18+ panel. Good decision on my part. I had never laughed as hard as I did at the panel.

Sunday was slow. Got a couple more pictures, danced (@0:42) Then decided to get back on the road. (Sorry I'm getting tired as I type so I'm abridging my story) Thats a whole other story. But all I have to say about that is Central Illinois is boring as all hell. There is literally nothing for miles, but the occasional zombie town. And that was my Anime St. Louis adventure. Looks like I have to get my shit together for ACEN. Thanks for tuning in.
