No more birthday parties for me...

Ughghghghgh So I was going to do a post about my Birthday shenanigans right after my birthday, but I realized that there were going to be far more shenanigans after my birthday. So within a span of 5 day its my birthday, my moms birthday and the 4th of July. All weekend there were people at my house, and if you know me well enough you would know Carney hates people. But I digress, it was a blast.

Thursday June 30th, That was my actual birthday. My birthday started fairly early with me and my annoying german friend hanging out Wednesday night Thursday morning. So at midnight my brother came romping down to my cave with a bottle of rum and shot glasses. Naturally I had to do at least one birthday shot... WRONG!!! I had to do at least 5 birthday shots, right? WRONG AGAIN!!! Nine... Nine birthday shots... Ughghghg so that was drunken night 1. So I woke up around 10 and putted around my house with my friend until around noon when we went to Buffalo Wild Wings. Now I had never been to one prior to a few weeks ago, when at that first time I got the 3rd spiciest wing. My friend laughed his ass off at me doing those, so he dared me to their spiciest wings for my birthday. So naturally I did. He said I only had to do one... I did 4. And then I passed out in the booth. lol Got back to my house and he went off to work. So After eating ridiculously hot wings for lunch, I promptly made my own for dinner!!! WOOO... *shot* So I spent all afternoon, literally ALL afternoon, cooking my own birthday dinner. But there was a Top Gear marathon so all was right in the world. After dinner we had to rush through gifts because I was off to the movies to see Transformers 3. Which I greatly enjoyed. So gift wise, I got a Lego set and clothes. And on all my clothes were a boston logo. I don't think I got one thing that wasn't boston related. And after the movie I came home and my brother thought it would be awesome to drink again... Drunk night 2.

Friday July 1st, Birthday Party day with the boys. I got to sleep in (thank god). I just watched movies until around 2 when my friend kyle came over, and then played some NHL. Then did that until 4 when my best friend and his brother came over. We then proceeded to got to the airport to pick up my buddy who's on leave from the army. Now I'm a person who's an alright driver, but I hate to do it. So the main purpose of my friends coming over so early was to be moral support whilst I drive. The airport is a hour away and thats a bit of a haul for a person like me. So we were driving down the main highway just pretty much being ridiculous. Shouting and pointing at the guys next to us, laughing at things that don't make sense. Oh the fun. So we got to the airport just as my buddy was landing. But he had to get his bags. Eff his bags.. Because of his bags we drove around the airport 6 times. But with each pass we turned up the techno and raved past people waiting to be picked up. Got my buddy and headed home. My army pal doesn't believe in seat-belts so he thought it would be funny to grope me while I drive. And then he started making fun of my elaborate lane changes. Got home and started the party. Ryu gave me a sweet ass Das Boot. And the party really started. Thats where I wish I could share, but the details are hazy. All I know is that Captain Falcon was involved and so was Everclear... Ughghghg Night 3.

I won't bore you with Saturday because that was just me moving my dad hungover. But it ended with me once again drinking far too much beer and my neighbor forcing me to do another birthday shot. Night 4....

Sunday was my moms birthday. And being originally from the east coast, she loves lobster. So as a surprise me and my bro ordered her some lobster from maine and cooked those bad boys for her. They were huge and feisty. Tried to attack us. And being another birthday in an Irish home. More alcohol!!! Also my bro's best friend does fireworks so we went to his place to watch those and came back home and had a few beers and played a fun game called toss some stickless bottle rockets into the fire and try not to get hit! WOOO!!! Night 5...

July 4th Rough getting up. Collective hangover starting to amass. So Bloody Marys!!!! My neighborhood does a parade so we tried to catch it but ended up walking in it... Carrying Bloody Mary's..... Ooops. lol Then I bummed around with my army bud all day and saw a movie. No shenanigans this day! Pretty much because I passed out at 9... lol

So that was my weekend my week continued and people kept coming over. So my week of birthdays is now at an end. I'm gearing up to go back to work. I had fun, but next year I hope its not so rough... Ughghggh

Well thanks for reading and thanks for all the birthday wishes!
