Boring Life is Boring....

Let's just get this out of the way..... HOLY CRAP! CARNEY'S ACTUALLY TYPING? Yes yes I am. I need a camera break. Also I just got back from work so I look all, well... You get the picture.

So the real reason for the post. So after most my friends are going back to school and everyone at my work going back to school. It kinda feels odd not going to school for once. Oh by the way, I'm not going back to school for a semester do to mass stress and unbearable anxiety and some other mental things. Okay so that feeling I'm feeling. Its odd, but relieving. But the downside is now I am working two jobs and pretty much racking up 30 hours a week of work. I have a lot of stuff I want to do; Like finish my Rickenbacker, build my brother a proton pack from Ghostbusters, fix Canti, And work on my ACen 2012 super secret cardboard cosplay. I thought not going to school would give me bundles of time. I was wrong. Really wrong. I have time after work on somedays, but do I really want to do more work?! Nope too tired. And on top of everything I still want to do videos! But too TIRED!!! GRRRR Damn the real world!

But thats just me. Hows everyone else doing?
