A Post!?!?!

So this is a multi-purpose post. First, how I am doing. I'm good. Nothing exciting just work. Lots and lots of work. However I am making sometime to watch my Star Wars Blu-ray. Its so good yet so bad at the same time. The changes!!! I want my muppet yoda baaaack!!!!! Anywho. I also picked up Gears 3. I couldn't even tell you that last game I bought before this. So it was a long need for a game. I feel bad because I have no social life and would like to hang with my friends soon. Buut my cooking job ends in 2 weeks and My hours are being stabilized at Toys R Us. So Maybe I will have time for people now. Also i would love to have time in October because, well, its October. The time of the year where I get to watch horror movies every night! Well Thats what I've been up to.

Second matter to attend to, I finally edited a new video! Yay! I normally I would put it Carney's Cave but I'll just put it here. Its only a minute long and is pretty good, for me at least.

Well then, thats all.
Stay Classy Otaku.
