Happy Holidays~!

Well, it has been one hell of a rough ride this year, let's call a shit a shit, yeah? I am not much of a holiday person since a few years back, but I would like to take this time to shout out in thanks to so many people. I haven't really made the impact and spread my wings the way I thought I would long ago, and I haven't been quite as on top of practicing my art as I should have been. But, I would love to thank the small circle of friends who have been seeing the shitty attempts at expanding my art over the years, and whose advice has been helping me push forward. And I also want to thank those of you who stop by to see my art and my insane ramblings at this point. I know I'm a broken record with the woman issues and the general dismay, but I am hoping to put that behind me and forsake it all-together soon. Thank you all, and here's to 2017!

Commissions, possibly!

Hey everyone! Long time, no see! Well, I have been messing around with so many ideas lately, and have been trying to put together a decent story, as well! :o But, honestly, I kinda wanna try accepting commissions, something to kinda bolster me with a little bit extra green and to give me something fun to do on the fly! I am trying to set up a paypal right now, but I need to get my bank info today to finish it up. I will decide on prices and price tiers later on once I finish things up, but lemme know what you guys think? I am no Endling or Zombiesmile, so my commission prices will obviously not be around the cost of such masterpieces, so don't freak out seeing my artwork and think of the usual commission prices. (Seriously, you two, I love everything you do <3 <3 <3 ). Right now, I am thinking that the middle ground will be around $20. Maybe $30 for full color, still consulting some friends and looking at the usual quality to cost out there. What this will honestly, hopefully do is also give me a wider range of projects to help me get even better.

War, Apparently

Sorry I've been off for a while, my tablet pen is broken due to some scallywag in the place not being careful with my stuff! I've also been pretty busy as of late, waging war on some horrible queen of a place called the Land of Bullshit, who recently became a thorn in my side throughout all my travels! I will crush her underfoot and sho0w her who the true Queen is, and she will lick the heels of my boots from her own prison's cells ohohohohoho. Will be back to bringing my creations to all you loves when I can, so sorry for the silence!


Uwaaaaah~~~ Today feels like a good day. I finally sent for one of those trade vessels to send me a drawing pad, and I've been readyin my station for it. Got drivers, been tryin ta kill this "Pen and Touch" shit, been watching things ta help me get a head start on usin the damn thing. I'm so friggin ready for it! >3<

I'm Back!!!

Ahoy everyone!!!!! I'm back, and this ship is here to stay, for the most part! Let's get this outta the way, if ya wanna be informal you can refer to me as Captain Tina, and maybe work your way up to just Tina! Admittedly, I usually don't care about the captain part unless it's like a really rough sea that day or somethin'.... Anywaves, I have been around for a while, and left for a long while due to many many reasons, one of which including my art kinda got too dark for this place >3< Though, if you ever find yourself wanting to see that, and the other things that are part of this huuuuuuuuge gap from my current updates and when I stopped posting here, there's always my dA page, where I will continue to at least post some of the darker shenanigans I get up to drawing out here on the waters! The port's at the bottom of the post, so feel free to sail on over. I hope you enjoy my drawings, I am working back up from the many many slumps and setbacks I have had in working on and really practicing my... Art, I guess?

Here's that dA I mentioned, be warned, this is a really seedy harbor! http://chaotic-rikkuna.deviantart.com/
