Hello everyone! Merry Christmas Eve in July! (...That's quite a mouthful)
Even though I'm kind of late to the party, I just wanted to remind you all that you can start posting your gift(s) if you so please. Or you could wait until actual Christmas in July; whatever tickles your fancy. :)
Also, I've been lurking around the fanart section and I've seen that some of you guys have already posted your pieces, and I just have to say that you guys have blown me out of the water! All the art you posted is gorgeous! I couldn't help but smile at every single one! :D
Pretty soon, as in, in a few days when people have had time to post things, I'll (or possibly Sayura) be compiling a list of all the Secret Santas and the gift they drew so you guys can see all the wonderful works people made for yourself. :)
If you have any last minute questions or things you need to tell us, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or send a PM!
Merry Christmas Eve in July!
~ Ryuchu