The Final list!

Hello everyone!! Sorry it took me WAY longer than intended to get this up, but here's the final list!! Click on the Santa's name to see their gift for their person, and please do check them all out! They turned out super wonderful and I am SO happy Ryu-chan and I have been a part of it all with you guys ^^ Enjoy!~

CelestialSushi- StarsSmile
MewChero- CitrusStorm
itemilicious- HotRamen2Go009
MangaKid- FallenAngel 01
Narie920- Allie Elric
superstarpanou [1] [2]- FUNimation
Kaijin89- MewChero
littlepooch- Ellenor Mererid
CitrusStorm- Kaijin89
umchan649- Sakaira
umchan649- DixieWings
Sakaira- SnowP
angluvdeath- alphonse13
KeybladeMewKasa- itemilicious
Keya- pandaman08
MeepoSan- yumei hearts u
pandaman08- infinatelove42
SnowP [1] [2]- MeepoSan
thelostsindar- Keya
DixieWings- C C C
KiKaiya [1] [2]- Narie920
Yours Truly- MangaKid
StarsSmile- superstarpanou
FUNimation- harvestmoonluvr
C C C- thelostsindar
HotRamen2Go009 [1] [2]- icefoxchan
Allie Elric- umchan649
FallenAngel 01- CelestialSushi
infinatelove42- 15385Bic
15385Bic- KiKaiya
alphonse13- angluvdeath
icefoxchan- littlepooch
yumei hearts u- Yours Truly
Ellenor Mererid- KeybladeMewKasa

Again, I'm sorry it took so long to compile this list!! But I hope you all had fun and I'm going to try getting around to commenting all of these if I can because you all worked so hard and they turned out beautiful-- so how could I not? haha Thanks SO much everyone for participating in this(we had a 100% turn out!! So no one missed gifts this year, even though some were late haha)~ So thanks again guys!! I hope you all are ready for the new school year and good luck to you all! ^^

Special thanks to Anna-chan once again for the lovely card banner at the top, and for my amazing co-host Ryu-chan!!<33 I'm so so glad I got to be your co-host too haha!! Love you all and take care!
