"Currently Untitled".

  • Title: No Title as of Yet

  • Genre: Action/Romance/Drama
  • Description: Final Fantasy VII Fan-Fiction

  • Warning(s): Some profanity (I bleeped it out for you) & violence. (Future extra content.)
  • Category (Personal Works/Professional Works): Personal
  • Status: Unfinished (More to be added when my CTS is fixed. ;_; )
  • Writers Comments: *Ahem* I'd like to start out by saying that I started this LONG ago. In fact, I don't even remember when, thats how long ago it was, so excuse anything you might notice that is untoward. Another thing I would like to mention is that it might not be to everyones taste, as its one of those unusual coupling fics. ;)

    In fact, I might as well post a quote from my FF.net introduction:

    [quote]I have been working on this fic since... God... I have no idea. o.O I'm still only on the first bit and I have been wondering if I should finish it or not.

    I started writing it quite a while before Advent Children came out and now it IS all out and what-not, I've wondered if I should ever post it, 'cause I might get people all "Booo. Sux. Not accurateeeee! BOOO" or "U COPIEDZ" even though I ain't. Plus there is always the issue of CloudXAeris fans and whatnot. That and Anti-shippers flaming the hell out of me for my coupling choices. (Which aren't TOO obvious. ;) lol! )

    So, to be honest, posting this feels like a big step for me. x.x

    (I'll shove the title up if I decide to finish it/when I think of one.)

    Let me know if you think I should continue or not. And, one more thing... Its quite old now, so bear with it. And perhaps I should shove a rating on it, but I dunno what rating to use. PG for now maybe?

    No flaming please, just good clean c+c.


    - Axel Alloy[/quote]

  • Requests etc: No deriving, stealing or crit. Reason? Well, number one, Ive had people derive from this without permission and it gets tiresome when people start shouting at you for apparently stealing your own fic. Two, stealing... Same issue as the above. And three, I don't really need crit on this, since it is, after all, old. I'd like crit on any new stuff, but only the type of crit that helps me figure out where to go next, not about my writing style. Also... Is it worth carrying on?



It had been very hard for the gang since Aeris' death. It had come as quite a shock to all, especially the 3 that saw it first hand. Cloud Strife, Cid Highwind and Tifa Lockheart had been walking around in a daze, almost suffering from a type of shell-shock. Tifa, when ever she could get a moment to herself, tended to break down... Cid, being the type of person he was, was taking it in his own unique way and chose silence as his form of grieving... Cloud, however, seemed to be taking it the worst and was taking it out on the local "wildlife", utter rage being his grieving choice.

"Its one of those moments that changes your world. One part of your life ends and another begins. You are never quite ready for it and you are almost filled with hate and resent when it happens." - Cloud Strife.

But that was all back then when it all went down. Since then, unknown to most, Cloud had been visiting the spot where she died and had somehow managed to contact her spirit there. They had engaged in many deep conversations, many being about Cloud's regret and how much he was hurting inside knowing he could never see her again. Aeris' spirit knew how he felt, he didn't have to tell her, but it was all for the good of the planet and she knew it was the right thing to do. Cloud, deep down, knew it too.

It was time to move on and also to leave the area. Cloud returned to say his 'last goodbye' to her and left with Cid and Tifa, heading to the Icicle Inn and beyond.

"Its one of those moments that changes your world. One part of your life ends and another begins. You are never quite ready for it and you are filled with a warm glow and a feeling of hope when it happens." - Aeris Gainsborough.