News: Montreal Comic-Con on 12/06/2009

Attention all fanboys and fangirls living in Montreal! Mark your calendars as the next Montreal Comic-Con event will be held on December 6, 2009 between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM at Place Bonaventure (adrress: 800, rue de la Gauchetière Ouest, room 200-N). Note that Montreal COmic-Con, which happens 3-4 times per year, is dedicated to not only comic boooks in general (counting Manga and bande dessinée), but also video games, non-sport cards, collectibles, toys, Japanese Animation (a.k.a. Anime), and of course Science-Fiction.

For admisssion, it's $10.00 per individual over age 12, but $5.00 per individual under that age.

For more info on the 12/06/2009 Montreal Comic-Con event, visit

12:30 AM Canada EST
