For those of you North America-based Otaku who haven't yet seen the hit 2007 animated T.V. series "Gurren Lagann" but want to see all its main plot points unfold in a faster instance, mark your calendars for 7/01/2010 and 7/30/2010. For 7/01/2010 will mark the official North American DVD release of "Gurren Lagan The Movie: Childhood's End" (2008. Japanese title: "Tengen Toppa Gurren Ragann: Guren-hen") while 7/30/2010 will mark the official North American DVD release of "Gurren lagann The Movie: The Lights In The Sky Are Stars" (2009. Japanese Title: "Tengen Toppa Gurren Ragann: Ragan-hen"). Each of those films is a recap edition of a storyarc of the hit animated series itself with the inclusion of new footage; "Gurren Lagann The Movie: Childhood's End" recaps the first arc of the series itself while "Gurren Lagann The Movie: The Lights In The Sky Are Stars" recaps the same series' 2nd and last arc.
10:13 PM Canada EST