News: Otakuthon 2012

Today, the website for Otakuthon 2012 has launched. Although the convention's staff is just in planning stages for events, the are now open to accepting attendee registrations and a guest list for the event has been posted on the site itself.

Make sure to visit in the months to come as updates on events will arrive soon. And make sure to mark your calendars for Aug 3-5 as that will be when Otakuthon 2012 will be held, and the location is at the Palais des congrès de Montréal (201 Viger Avenue West
Montréal, Québec).

As for me, I will make sure to walk with my camera during my Otakuthon 2012 trip to take pictures. In the meantime, I'm still in the process of collecting results from the anime divas sketch card survey I posted a few weeks ago in order to decide my next 8 installments of the 18-sketch card series to draw as I intend to submit the whole series to the convention's art gallery show and have the cards themselves sold there.

2:12 PM Canada EST
