I am so bored, guys! Help me! I even did homework that isn't due until Friday!
Have any of you guys been to Makesmethink.com? If you haven't you should seriously go now.
It's about the different things that happen in life that makes us think. A lot of it is about the kindness others show them. Very inspirational. It's nice to know that there are still good people out there willing to stick an arm and leg out to help a complete stranger.
I have finally made it back home to my apartment! My dad is doing well, making a nice recovery, although speedy would be the wrong word to use.
I want to say that I appreciate all of your guys' prayers for him. It means so much to me, you have no idea!
I love all of you!
You guys are awesome.
I wish I could give you all hugs.
That's all I'm asking. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers!
My father, who you all know, had cancer two years ago. He has been in remission ever since. Then, he went in for a colonoscopy, and the doctors found cancerous polyps. After a huge hassle, they got it removed and he's been hurting for the past week and a half. Now, he had to be admitted back into the hospital for infection. All I can do is sit up here and do nothing. Hard to concentrate in class right now.
Please pray for us!
I am going home tomorrow night, now. So, I won't be able to respond to anything until I get back Sunday night. Please, please keep praying!
My Second Semester starts tomorrow, you guys! I'm going to be so busy! I'm taking 6 classes this semester, two of which are online. They are:
1. Intro to Statistics
2. Intro to Finance
3. Intro to Marketing
4. A Business Law Class
5. Money and Banking
6. Biology (Last gen ed!)
Tomorrow, I have class from 10:30 AM to 10:00 PM. Yay! But, tomorrow, I got to go in early to get everything printed off and ready and to pay off the tuition.
Wish me luck!