So, this voice meme thing sounds fun. So, I'll do it if I get enough people who ask me questions. So please ask me some questions so I can do this!
ItachiSasuke's questions:
>Why did you join theO?
>Is your name based off the movie or book?
>What is your impression of me?
>Can you say your name backwards?
>What is your favourite anime and manga and why?
>What do you think of when I say "derp"?
>Cats or dogs?
>Scariest thing to ever happen in your life?
Something Witty:
if i told you that flapjacks were in love with cake, what would you say?
1- When did you first started watching anime??
2- Have you ever seen... an french zebra....sing?
3- Choose one:
A. Single []
B. Taken []
C. Mentally dating a totally cute guy that doesn't exist []
4- Radios or stereos?
6- Dream vacation??
7- Rhinos like dancing leprechauns- True or false?
8- You saw your fave anime character and he said hi to you!!! What do you do?!
9- Straberry cake.... or strawberry cake?
10- Edward Cullen or Jacob Black?!
11- You found a million bucks, in cash, addressed to you in the maill! What do you do with it?!
12- What's the difference between coke and pepsi?? Honestly, I don't know the difference.
13- Too many questions??
What do you prefer Stick figures or smiles?
What's your favorite non anime Television show?
What is your favorite anime?
1. Your favorite time of the year?
2. What do you most dislike about people?
3. What do you most like about people?
4. Favorite thing to do on theO?
5. Who is your favorite voice actor or actress?
Do you like my characters?
Do you like Hetalia?
Favorite manga? Anime? Videogame?
Do you like tea? Cause FallenAngel 01 loves it!
Favourite chocolate bar?
Favourite pop?
UGh. Why is my bed so freaking comfortable in the mornings? I never want to get up and out of bed!
I sit up and have a mental war with myself, but, all I can do is rub my eyes and wonder why morning came so soon!
Then, I just get up and get dressed, maybe go drink some coffee or something to wake me up
Then, I'll be hyper all day!
Then, I'll repeat again the next day!
Ok, so I was wondering how are we able to post our voice memes. Is there a way to get it directly from our computer to the site without having to upload it somewhere else?
Also, I'm still accepting questions if you have some!
I got a deviantart account! -> Here
Add me if you are on deviantart!
So, I want to upload a fanart I made! (shocking, I know!)
But, when I go to post it, it gives me a message saying to please upload a file. Does anyone know how to fix this?