Why Is It?

So, I was watching Fruits Basket, specifically, the episode where Tohru is saying it's easier to see the admirable qualities in others rather than ourselves.

After listening to her little lecture, I had to stop and think about myself. I am always so quick to dismiss compliments, figuring people are trying to tell me what I want to hear, yet, I am always the first to compliment others, no matter how small it might seem. I figure it'll make the them feel good.

I'll look at people I knew from years ago and see them being all successful and happy. I'm super happy for them, but I want that for myself. I have to stop myself and look at my life to see that what I have is pretty great, too. I mean, from where I came, the shit I've been through, the things I have had to do to get here, I've done pretty well for myself.

I may not be a millionaire, but I could be so much worse! There are others who have it so much worse than me. I have nothing to complain about. Nothing. Sure, life didn't always go exactly as planned. If it had, I never would have left Augustana College, I'd never have given up basketball, I'd be living my three best friends- not by myself. But, if life went according to how I had wanted it to go, my dad and I would never have the amazing relationship that we have, I wouldn't have the great jobs that I do, I'd never have met so many amazing people, I'd never have known I can live alone. I can do things independently.

I am amazing in my own way. No more amazing than you. No less amazing than you. I just am. I love being me, I love my life, and I love the world. I am so genuinely happy. And, I know that if I keep up this fantastic attitude, life will reward me. Great things are yet to come.
