
So, the other night... Thursday, I believe, I updated my facebook status to "Pizza and video games. Living the life." One of the guys I know from when I went to college at Augie commented on my status and we were talking back and forth for awhile before we finally started chatting on the Facebook chat thing. Then we exchanged numbers! And he seems like a really good guy. He's into sports and video games. Best of both worlds for me.
We've been talking every day ever since.
And this guy is a guy I have actually met in real life. I know people who are really good friends with him. It's not like the last guy. At all.
His name is Adam, and he wants to take me dancing! I have never done that before. We're still trying to figure out when because I'm busy with a lot of stuff, and he now lives an hour away. But, I really hope this goes somewhere. Even if we end up just friends, that would be great.

Then, today, I was scrolling through Facebook, and my cousin tagged one of my high school classmates I haven't talked to since graduation. And I immediately sent him a friend request and we've been talking all day catching up.

God, it's a good day.
