Okay, so my night started off perfectly normal. My best friend, E, and I decided to go shopping. I bought a purse, and it was great. I locked my keys in my car, and we had to get someone with my spare come and let us in. As we're headed back to my place, E suggests going to this bar that has dollar drinks from 8-10. So we go, just the two of us.

It was kind of boring at first, so we were going to leave early. As she was going to close out her tab, there were these guys in line ahead of us that had ordered 5 shots, and two of the five guys had walked away leaving two shots to be had, so he offered to us, and we took it. After that, we were all attached at the hip talking and laughing and having a good time. E and I were a little tipsy and may have played up our 'relationship' a bit. And the guys were totally hooked. Well, as the night went on, they got creepier and creepier. They were doing drugs right in front of us, and they were telling us how we were going to be in for an interesting night. And he talked like we'd be having a threesome or something, and it was just really weird. So, E and I turned up our lesbian card trying to show that we were more interested in each other rather than them.

After an hour and a half of being trapped with them with no real way out, they decided to go smoke and left E and I at the table alone, so as soon as we saw that they were gone, E and I literally ran out of the bar to my car. I was far too drunk to drive, but she was well enough because she had them buy Alabama Slammers, which have red dye in it that she is allergic to, so she wouldn't have to drink, thus being well enough to drive. We had a cop following us part of the way home, and we were so nervous.

We made it home, and now we're just recovering, and I'm trying to sober up. We both have work in the morning and are tired as fuck. Going to go sleep now.
