New Home

I'm all moved into my new place. It's in a small town outside of the city I used to live in. It's in a crime free neighborhood, so I don't have to be scared of getting mugged every time I go outside! It's so friendly here, parents let their kids play outside on their own!

The only problem?
I was declined acceptance to be my friend's, who already does live here, roommate. It's an income based apartment, and adding me makes us make too much money.
So I'm living here without the landlord knowing.
We'll see how long this lasts.
The only thing is that my new apartment is across from the office. And I'm pretty sure the landlord saw my dad and brother taking some stuff out of the apartment on Monday morning.
But, the landlord can't prove that the stuff isn't my friends. If they ask me about it, I can say that I'm just visiting. No biggie. I hope...

My dad and brother came and helped me move everything. It was so nice to have them here helping me for a couple days. I love hanging with my family.

I just have to go back to my old place on thursday and help my old roommate finish cleaning the place up, which hopefully won't take too long. I hate cleaning, and I've had my fill already.
I'm still not fully unpacked. I got most everything put away. All that's really left are my pictures to hang and shelves to put up, which I think I'm going to wait until I have some help. I want opinions on where to put my stuff.
My walls look so bare and white right now.
