I Am So Blessed

I have such an amazing support group of friends that it always amazes me. I mean, there are people I don't see all that often or people I wouldn't always consider friends because they're friends of a friend, and I just always figured they were being nice to me. I seem to create these bonds with people that tend to surprise even me, but they are so amazing.

Friday, I went and hung out with a group of friends. S, his girlfriend E, and D. We played cards against humanity and it was super fun. D is the guy I didn't think I was especially close to. I mean we're nice with each other and he invites me out whenever he's in town (which isn't very often). But I thought it was a mere courtesy.

Well, after I left the party, he asked me if I could pick him up and bring him to a convenience store, so I had to double back around to get him and do just that. Then when we got back to his place, he asked if I wanted to go inside and talk. I kinda figured shit was going to lead somewhere I wasn't sure I wanted it to go, but he was being nice, so of course I said yes. And of course I was right and we were fooling around.

what did I do? I told him no. I did it. I fucking did it. I told someone no. I did what I wanted. I am so very proud of myself. And he listened. And then he didn't make it awkward at all. I mean in the beginning, it was a bit awkward because I kept apologizing and he just stared at me. And god he was a good kisser. I really wanted to continue just to see what else he was good at. The best kisser I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

When he asked me why I didn't want to continue, I told him a bit about Joe, and he told me to tell him our story, so I did. And we basically talked about it until 4 in the morning. Add another pilgrim to the band wagon of people who think I should leave Joe. But something about talking to another guy made it sink in a bit more. I mean, D is completely biased. He doesn't know me all that well, and he has no clue who Joe is. So it was an outside party listening to my spiel. And he's a guy. It just gave me a lot to think about.

But then Saturday, I went to the zoo and experienced some homemade cookies from a delicious place downtown and watched the first Star Wars movie for the first time. It was such a great day.

I just feel so blessed having these amazing friends in my life who include me in theirs.
