
Wow, guys, it has been such a long time since I've updated you all on the comings and goings of me and everything. So much as happened and yet nothing really has happened at the same time...

First things first, remember me talking about how shitty my apartment is? Guess who found a new apartment in the high end of town!! Me! My new apartment is on a golf course. In one of the best parts of the city, too. Can't move in until November, but better than nothing!

Second, nothing else is really all that new. I work. All the time. Had my first day off on Saturday for the first time in over a month, so there's that. And the waitressing job seems to be going ok. I've only been there a month and I already bought a new 51 inch tv. I have enough saved up for a brand new, nice laptop and a nice, new couch. Working on money to help for the move, buying a new bookcase maybe, and a I need some new clothes and such. Then it's all going towards my car. I've almost made $1000 in tips alone in a month. At this rate, I can get my car paid off in less than a year!

The only downside of the waitressing job is that the guys there won't leave me alone. Two of them are all over me all the time. Way too friendly. Always asking me out and making sexual jokes around me. Both have asked me out. I've said no. Doesn't stop them. They'd be okay if they didn't constantly talk about my wide hips, big ass, or how thick I am and how they like bigger women. I mean, I'm not fat. Just a couple founds overweight. And I have had huge body image issues in the past, and them saying all this just brings it all back. I've worked for over 2 years to be okay with my body, and they're just ruining all progress. I hardly eat because I don't have the time, but I'm starting to go back to purposefully starving myself sometimes. Not always, but sometimes. It's not healthy at all, and I wish I didn't do this to myself. I'm hoping once things slow down a bit, this won't be an issue.

My mom is coming up to spend the weekend with me this week. I've lived up here for 4 years. She has never come up here by herself so it's just the two of us. Needless to say, I am excited!

Things with Joe are same old same old. It's weird seeing him at work again now when we hardly talk to each other. I was so set on cutting him out of my life when he had ignored all communication from me in over two weeks, but then he tells me his dad is dying from hard problems. And I'd feel like a giant bag of dicks if I stuck to my guns now! So that's frustrating.

There is one guy from my waitressing job I like. And I want him to ask me out, but I don't know if he feels the same way. He's friendly with everyone, so I can't tell. :/

What's been new with you guys? How's school? life? love? work?
