
Yesterday I was having a really shitting fucking day. WOrk was mega stressful. And to top it off, work denied my PTO requests to go to the JJ Redick game. So I had to lose the money I paid for the tickets. But my dad and I decided to go to the Oklahoma City game instead. It'd be a better game to watch. But I was pissed for having my PTO denied. All because if I was gone, no one would know how to do month end reports.

And when I got home, I checked my mail. I got a letter from E. My old roommate and exbest friend. She was the one who moved her boyfriend into our apartment without asking me and then never talked to me since I left. Well, she wrote me a note and mailed it to me with something she had to mail me, too.
She told me I was right and she was wrong. She had to kick her boyfriend out because he was physically beating her and her dog that they got together. She says she's getting her shit together. She doesn't expect me to forgive her or talk to her again, but she wanted to apologize.
So I decided I'd meet her in person and see how things go. We're gonna meet up on Sunday for lunch. I'm kind of nervous about meeting her. I mean, she and I are two totally different people now. And I'm not sure I can trust her again. We will never be what we were. At all. She fucked that up. So I'm not sure what I'm expecting going into this, but I guess I'll just have to see.
