How Is It Already September?

What is up my peeps? I really need to start updating this world more than once every other month or so.

I can't remember if I've talked about us being in Disneyland in August, but it was great! We were in California for 5 days. We arrived on a Thursday, and didn't do a whole lot our first night in town. We just went to a restaurant about a block away from our hotel, and right in front of the building is a broken sign and dried blood on the sidewalk.
I knew that driving on the interstates in LA was going to be hell, but I didn't realize how hellish. We got flipped off more times in the first hour than I ever have in my entire 24 years of existence. I don't understand how there aren't more motorcyclist deaths. They just do whatever the heck they want without any regards for the law. And people just assume they can drive on the shoulders and such to get around you, and then get mad at you for not letting them in. Like, hello, what you are doing is illegal! So we stayed off the interstate most of the time.
Friday was Disneyland day. We got to see so many Disney princesses and go on a lot of cool rides. Waited in line for Splash Mountain for an hour and a half, but other than that, all the other lines were relatively short and fast moving.We didn't stay for the fireworks, which I was only mildly sad about. After as much walking as we did, I just wanted to get out of the heat and go lounge in our pool back at the hotel.
Saturday, I got to step foot in the ocean. It was so cool. I didn't expect the tide to be so powerful when it pulls you in. The waves were fun to try and stay standing through. Didn't expect the ocean to taste that salty. Like, I knew it was salt water, but I thought it'd be more diluted? The salt water actually irritated my skin. It was a little weird. My little brother and I made a sand castle on the beach while my parents just watched on their perch on the towel. My dad wouldn't go in the water- was afraid the sharks would get us.
That night, we had a murder mystery dinner to attend. It was so cool. PRobably my favorite part of the trip. We got to pick our own aliases and be whoever we wanted. My brother and I went as Sam and Dean Winchester, my little brother created his own name, Jack Stone, my mom was Starr Gazin, and my dad was Remington Steele (a detective from way back in the day). There were 40 people in the room all together. And 8 people per table. MY brother and I (us Winchesters) were the two most in charge of the clues and the ones that put most of the story together and figured out who killed the victim. My brother Jack Stone was one of the suspects, so that was cool to watch him get interrogated, and my other brother, Dean Winchester, had to do some voice acting with a couple other guys. IT was really cool. And then at the end, i won the contest for figuring out who the killer was. I won a cool mug, a Hitchcock compilation movie set, and a coupon. It was really fun.
Sunday, we went to Universal Studios and went on all the big rides and got to take a tour of the sets. Then we went to Hollywood and got to see the star walk of fame. Not what I had imagined that to be like.
Monday, we went shopping and drove along the coast before heading back to the airport. Our flight back to Omaha got cancelled while we were in the air to Omaha. How does this happen you might ask? Well, let me tell you. There were major storms in Omaha, like flooding the town. IT was not good, and so they wouldn't land the plane. HAve you ever been in the air during a thunderstorm? Pretty cool. So we circled Omaha for an hour before we had to head to Des Moines to refuel, to go back to circling omaha for another hour before we had to head back to Denver. So a one hour flight took five hours. And then we had to wait in Denver for 3 more hours before we could take off again only to have the airport in Omaha close again while we are in the air, so our pilot did another hour of circling the city before he finally just said fuck it and decided to land anyway. Surprised the airport so much that we had to wait another hour for them to figure out where to put the plane to dock. So the flight back made my entire family hate airplanes for awhile. And my mom is scared to death of planes, so you can imagine how not fun that was for her...

The next weekend, I drove up to Minneapolis with my friend Jen to the Supernatural convention there, where Misha Collins was beaten and mugged, so we didn't get to see his panel. Bless Misha's heart for still doing the photo ops! So we got to see him for five seconds anyway. Got a flat tire on our way back home and it turns out I was never given a spare. So we had to call for a tow, and while we're waiting on the side of the interstate, three cops, two firetrucks, and some cop trucks pull up behind us. Apparently, someone thought we were in an accident and called 911 on us. So that was interesting.

The weekend after that, we went to Kansas City to go to Oceans of Fun and drink in the power and lights district, which is always fun. I got the drunkest I have ever been in my entire life, and I only had to pay for 2 drinks of it. So I'd say the night was a success.

Now, I'm just working as much as I can on the weekends to save up for when I'm going to South Korea and Japan hopefully next April.

What's everyone else been up to?
