If you do like cursing and swearing, probably best not to read any further. I am fuming.
Also, if you hate Sanders, hit the back button right now because I have no patience for people trying to belittle me or argue with me for backing him right now.
I am fucking irate. I'm on my own goddamn facebook posting shit to my own page. Mainly about Bernie. This particular post was saying that unless you make more than $250,000 a year, your taxes won't be raised.
I fucking lover Bernie Sanders and all he stands for. He NEEDS to be elected. He is what this country needs. He wants to better America.
Now enters this motherfucking Fuckboy of a guy named Tim.
Tim and I do not have similar political views at all. Like none. He's a hard working American, why should he have to give away his money to the lazy?
And then his friend, Justin, shows up, who I have to say I have literally never met, and other than him creeping on my profile on Facebook, he literally knows nothing about me. Good Ol' Justin.
So we're arguing back and forth, and this fucker Justin says:
Justin · Friends with Timothy
I'm sure a server at bwws knows all about macroeconomics though...
Like excuse fucking me? How does my job- my fucking part-time job have any bearings on my intelligence whatsoever? It fucking doesn't!
To make matters worse, he says this shit:
Nikki, you're like a 20 yr old girl that up until a few years ago, never left your house. How do you think that you have a fluent understanding of how a country works? Because Bernie told you?
What the fuck? First of all, I'm 25. He's three fucking years older than me. And fuck him for assuming anything at all about my life.
And then Justin's asking me about how I probably never graduated college (which I didn't, but I was in school for 4 years. I took business and economics classes.)
So they are taking my biggest insecurities and things that I hate about myself, like the fact I don't have a college degree and the fact that I am so poor I have to even have a part time job at a job that I hate just to make ends meet, and slapping me in the face with it.
All because they don't like the answers I'm giving them!
If you're my friend on facebook and want to read the full thing go Here, or if you're not my friend and can read it, go for it.
I just fucking hate people so much. If they don't like what I say, they can unfriend me. Simple as that. If he'd have posted shit about Trump and said half the shit to him that either of them said to me, they'd be all over my ass telling me they have freedom of speech and can say and think whatever they want.
I am so frustrated, I am shaking. Kind of want to curl up in bed and never emerge.
But that would be letting them win. I am stronger than that. I am better than that. I'm still going to go to bed, but only so I can catch up on my sleep from my vacation to Vegas this weekend, which I will talk about at a later date.
Le sigh.