It appears that Canadian T.V. broadcaster SPACE: The Imagination Station is now scheduled to perform it first showing of the 1st of the two pilot episodes of "Star Trek: The Original Series" on Sept. 7 at 10:00 PM ET/PT after the "Star Trek" Remastered Viewer's Choice marathon. This epsisode is "The Cage" (ST: TOS Ep 1), which was filmed in 1964, two years before the series premiered on T.V., but SPACE will air it in its re-edited/digitaly remastered format as opposed to its origianlly edited one. The remastered version itself was last seen on U.S. syndicated T.V. sometime three months ago.
If not mistaken, this will be the first time the 1st "Star Trek: The 0riginal Series" pilot episode airs on a Canadian T.V. network.
10:43 PM Canada EST