Hey all!

Just a few things you should know about me:
1. I'm obsessed with all animals, but mainly cats
2. I tend to be hyper
3. I sometimes ask really wierd questions
4. If you comment or pm me and I don't reply, more than likely I haven't been on or I didn't see it.

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.


Well today was the first day of band practice. It really wasn't as bad as it usually is and I think I'll get along with my newbies this year. Although I think my best friend really is going to get out so that's going to leave me in a bind especially since he is really good.

Speaking of practice, I guess it really is time to stop training again so I'll have to find a partner. Hey Sisi, you don't train do you? Anyway, something was in my house last night and it really freaked me out but I think it was just an animal or something.


Okay I think I might have just made my life a whole lot harder. I'm not even sure how it happened it just sort of came out and now I'm waiting for the other person to respond.

Anyway getting away from that topic, does anyone here actually believe in the paranormal? (besides my twins.) If you do could you send me a message.


1. Are you ready... for the most epic tag ever?

2. Let’s get started then!! Paper or plastic?!

3. Now for everybody's favorite question! What's your favorite color?
4. Isn't HE just the greatest?!
Who HE?

5. Do you believe in true love?

6. Are you good in bed?

7. Do you like chocolate?
My chocolate! *steals chocolate and runs away*

8. Who was the last person you kissed on theO?
I don't think I've kissed anyone on here

9: Who was the last person you texted?
Lynn about my flight

10. When was the last time you were in 'love'?

11. Do you want any children? If so, who with?
No way We'd drive each other crazy

12. Have you ever been nude in front of someone of the opposite gender?
Not recently

13. What plans do you have for this weekend?

14. Can you name ALL the pokemon?
Not even one

15. Do you sing in the shower?

16. Do you dance in the shower?
Never tried to

17. Are you gonna have a "party" tonight?

18. Wanna dance with no pants on?!

19. What are your 5 favorite countries?
Ireland, America, Japan, England, Greece

20. Would you ever meet up with someone you randomly met on the internet?

21. Can you count to 10?

22. What does the word BISHIE mean to you?

23. Who was the last person of opposite gender did you say “I Love You” to?
my dad

24. Who was the last person to Glomp you?

25. Edward or Jacob?
die (total agreement) Although if I had to chose it'd be the wolf

26. Iceberg straight ahead!!!
Cool! Will I see penguins?

27. If you could do anything you wanted for one day, what would it be?
ride every thrill ride in the world

29. Are you feeling alive?!
nope. I am very dead

30. Ever drawn Hentai?

31. What would you do if someone stole your boyfriend/girlfriend?
kill. no exceptions

32. Have you ever stabbed someone? O_o

33. Do you like waffles?
yes! Will you make me some?

34. Did you look at the number of this question and think it was 43? or at least something higher?

35. What is your favorite day of the week?

36. Favourite holiday?

37. Do you think HE is hot?

38. All I want for Christmas is-

39. What would you do if you and the person you like were trapped under the mistletoe?
find a room?

40. Are you getting tired of these questions?
not yet

41. Would you risk your life for someone else?
probably not, depends on alot

42. Would you rip the wings off of a butterfly for a million dollars?

43. Can you do the Carameldance?
the what?

44. can you do the bacchikoi?
What is it?!?

45. What do you think is romantic?
anything that invovles my love asking me out.

46. Anime cosplay or Furry cosplay?

47. Are you bored?

48. Would you rather eat needles than do this quiz?

49. Are you irritated by anything right now?
my dog

50. Animals or people?

51. What do you hear right now?
52. Hug a tree or hug me?

53. Do you recycle everyday?

54. Skydiving or Deep Sea Diving?

55. Do you think kittens are cute?
of course. We are the most wonderful thing ever(and we are not evil!)

56. If you saw a kitten all alone and lost on the side of the road, what would you do?
My kitten now.

57. What is your favorite movie?
Ummm... how long do you have?

58. Movie or Book?
book any day

59. If you have a host on here, who is your favorite?
don't have one

60. Would you want to meet a host/fangirl on here in RL?

61. Where would you go if you could go back in time?
Nowhere I would rather go to the future

62. Fruits or Vegetables?
both (except for squash or grapefruit)

63. Would you ever dye your hair?

64. What matters more to you? Beauty or Brains.

65. Do you own a panda hat?

66. Who are you in love with?
an illusion

67. Do you think the person you're in love with loves you too?

68. When was the last time you had a shower?
ten minutes ago

69. Are you in your pajamas?
70. Do you have a tan?
I'm white, like seriously

71. Do you regret anything from your past?
of course

72. Do you collect anything?
books, pins, knickknacks

73. What do you see yourself doing in a year?

74. If you had 5 hours to live who/what would you do?
My friends at a beach with cute guys

75. You're halfway done! How do you feel?

76. Where is your best friend?
at home.

77. Do you wear glasses?

78. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you

79. Did you think this question was question 97?

80. Dream Vacation?
ghost hunting with my friends

81. Are you eating anything at the moment?

82. Who would you like to talk to right now?
my friends

83. What would you do for a klondike bar?
sing the song

84. Do you miss anyone right now?

85. What are you gonna do tonight?
watch tv and be on the computer.

86. Are you Hot?

87. What is your favorite flavor lollipop?

88. What are you wearing right now?

89. What time did you go to bed last night?

90. What is a question you refuse to answer?

91. Do you have an attitude?

92. What's the last thought in your head that involved someone you like?
He is way to old

93. Do you feel like you deserve something more in life?

94. What turns you on?
dark, hair, pretty eyes, sweet personality

95. Do you write poetry?

96. What is your Deepest, Darkest Secret?
Don't have one

97. What would you do if someone found out your deepest, darkest secret?
People have a way of forgetting things. And if I helped them along...whoops

98. How would you describe yourself so that someone could pick you out
red hair

99. What is your favorite music genre?
anything but screamo

100. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?

101. Do you wish upon shooting stars?

102.What does love mean to you?
Warmth safety protection understanding forgiviness

103. Do you believe the fortunes in fortune cookies?
Yep, so far they've all come true

104. Who was the first person who broke your heart?
first family

105. Do you like pool parties?

106. Are you tired of random questions?
Not really

107. Do you like singing nursery rhymes?
Don't know any

108. Do you love being the center of attention?

109. What should you be doing other than this right now?

110. If the end of the world was coming and you could save one person who would it be?
my cat and then figure out how to save my friends

111. Would you be happy if this was the end like the last epic tag?

112. What was the first thing that popped into your mind when you read this question?

113. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
no but my kitty does

114. If you were stuck in a room with someone of the opposite gender, would you take advantage of them?

115. What do you think the most romantic place is?
anyplace high at sunset or midnight

116. Why are there so many love questions?!?!
love is an important topic

117. Do you wish the love questions were finished with?

118. What is the most over rated thing?

119. When is your birthday?
june 16

120. Would you use a Death Note?
What's that?

121. What would you do if you found a friend of yours using a deathnote?
what is it?

122. What appeals to you more? Love or Hate?
depends on the person and my mood that day

123. Do you wish this quiz was never made?
Of course not

124. What body part do you wash first?

125. You're almost to the end!
Thank goodness

126. Name something you do when you're alone that you wouldn't do in front of others.

127. How many jelly beans do you think are in the jar?
159,876,482 thousand

128. Do you want to bring sexy back?

129. What would you do if you were working on this, got to this question, and your computer just shut down on you.
It did on question 111.

130. Name three things that you don't like!
Small spaces,slow computers, history

131. Would you ever do the pelvic thrust?
don't think so

132. Do you ever dream about dirty things?
I plead the fifth, thank you very much

133. What website do visit the most?
theOtaku, and magistream.com

134. Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who?

135. Would you ever throw a random party for someone?

136. Have you ever been tied up?
nope. Nobody could get close enough to try

137. Do you like school?

138. A GIANT BANANA!! What was the first thing that came to your mind?
you don't want to know

139. Do you have annoying friends?
Of course

140. Do you give in easily?

141. Do you like to set stuff on fire?
noooooo....I just watch stuff that's already lit

142. What was the last thing you dreamed about?
a crash

143. Do you share your hopes and dreams with people?

144. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
*starts beating vending machine*

145. Do you like amusement parks?
oh yeah

146. What color are your bed sheets?

147. What is your love life like?

148. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex?

149. Are you gonna tag anyone?

150. LAST QUESTION!! Would you be my friend?
I tag ssrallen, hanawa, 1dev13, werewolf queen, and AngelsCryToo


Well here it goes:

Saturday- never went to sleep the night before stayed up with adviser watching chiller and scifi. Catch plane at 6 or 7. fall asleep until 10. went to navy peir and had an italian soda thingie that was quite good. made it to hotel wqhere we found out that there had been some sort of mixup and about 20 of us didn't have rooms and of course I was one of them. Went to Texas picnic and played beach volleyball, god I miss it. Although I never realized how hard it is to nmove in sand. Got back and found the room with three random people. At least they were all from texas
Okay this would take way too long never mind lets just say this I went i had fun, I might have blown some things up and now I'm back. Any questions just pm me.

Oh by the way I found my new favorite song: If I die young by perry. It is so pretty and sad and true.


Hey guys I'm back!. Thank you so much for keeping an eye on my baby's and I'd be happy to return the favor anytime. Well I had an awesome time and am full of plans for this coming year. It was just so much fun! There was a picnic and fireworks and meetings and so many people. You could hang out with a different group every day if you wanted to. Oh and I rode on my first plane! It was so cool and I got some neat pictures, but as usual with a moving vehicle I fell asleep. Oh and then we went to the Navy Peir and I almost got to ride on a hot air balloon but there wasn't enogh time. There was alot of other stuff too, and I'll tell you all about it after I answer all the messages.