
Isn't it funny how music represents what we are going through at a particular time in our life? Like if you think hard about certain years, you will usually find certain songs that you would always listen to and now when you hear those songs it just sucks straight back into that time. Then there is how we don't tend to listen to songs that would change our mood, but ones that will pull us even deeper in. If we are sad we listen to sad songs( of course on that one sometimes listening to happy songs makes you feel even worse), happy and we listen to happy, in love and well you get the drift.

These are my top ten right now-
1.House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert
2.It Matters To Me by Faith Hill
3.I'm With You by Avril Lavigne
4.All These Years by Sawyer Brown
5.Bring On the Rain by Martina McBride
6.I'm Not Ready To Make Nice by Dixie Chicks
7.Nobody Knows It But Me by Tony Rich?(I thought it was by someone else)
8.What Do You Say by Reba McEntire
9.You Don't Even Know Who I Am by Patty Loveless
10.the train song from the movie spirit.

There are others of course but those pretty well sum it up. And don't bother trying to tell me that last one isn't actually a song. Also looking back on this list it is clear that I am a very country girl.
