
Well here it goes:

Saturday- never went to sleep the night before stayed up with adviser watching chiller and scifi. Catch plane at 6 or 7. fall asleep until 10. went to navy peir and had an italian soda thingie that was quite good. made it to hotel wqhere we found out that there had been some sort of mixup and about 20 of us didn't have rooms and of course I was one of them. Went to Texas picnic and played beach volleyball, god I miss it. Although I never realized how hard it is to nmove in sand. Got back and found the room with three random people. At least they were all from texas
Okay this would take way too long never mind lets just say this I went i had fun, I might have blown some things up and now I'm back. Any questions just pm me.

Oh by the way I found my new favorite song: If I die young by perry. It is so pretty and sad and true.
