So,this is my first post!This is kinda a good way to start out,telling 10 things about myself,but I'm pretty much doing this because I've been tagged by SOMEBODY!!!I'm not going to name anyone though,unless a lot of people want to know.*Evil grin*Okay,enough with the useless chatter!
Ten Random Things About Myself
1.I talk to myself out loud a LOT.Hey,what's wrong with that?It helps me remember things like my dreams!
2.And that brings us to Number 2!I have VERY wierd dreams.The wierdest dream,though,I had not too long ago.All I'm gonna say is it has to do with slushies,dipping dots,pigs,bulldogs,roller coasters,Viking-style ships,salad bars,forks,grandmothers,and having a room on the front porch of a house.REALLY.
3.I make straight A's on my report card.Always.Everyone:OMG!A NERD!RUN!!!xp
4.I forget a lot of things.I mean,if you tell me to do something,I might forget it a few seconds later.
5.I used to write stories about Winnie the Pooh and the Tangerine Bear when I was,like,6 or 7.I still have them,too!
6.I like to listen to classic rock(mostly)I got it from my mom!She was a hippie back in the day!
7.I love shortish skirts/dresses and I draw them on my oc's,but I never wear any!Jeans suit me better...
8.I can stick my finger down my throat and not puke!...Sorry,I'm just getting desperate to finish this...
9.When I was 5,I could stay up until 2am or later and still be fine the next day(as long as I didn't get caught)and I am still that way.
10.I am very happy that this is Number 10 because this means I'm done.^-^
Now,I just have to tag 10 other people and I will be truly done!Yayy!So,beware,my victims to be...For you cannot protect yourself,because I strike when you're most vulnerable!Muhahaha!XD