I Despise School/Proof That They Exist,People!

So yeah.Two different titles.Anywayyy...

Another week of school starts tomorrow.This would be my...fourth week?Uh-huh.Believe it!D:I'm so thrilled.I'm going to have to go back to basketball practice because my sprained wrist has healed up...TT^TT...And I'm going to have another truckload of homework dumped on me by the Literature/Geography teacher.Gah.Oh well.That's a little slice of reality for ya there.D:

Now that that's out of the way...I wanted to show all of you non-believers out there...That FOUR-LEAF CLOVERS DO EXIST!XD

Here!I'll show you!These are from my large collection of oddball clovers!

Ha!In your face!PROOF!I have five-leaf clovers too.And even a SIX-LEAF CLOVER!But the leaves are all on top of each other.But if you hold it up to the light,you'll see that it has indeed six leaves.

So I guess that's all I wanted to say there!Tootles!;D
