Dreadful Losses - DRAFT

After I wrote “Hunting Night”, I thought Kumari had a lot a potential, so I came up with a few more details about his past: his relationship with his father, the way he died and how Kumari reacted to that.

This is easily the saddest thing I’ve ever written so far, but I’m really proud of it. I have a lot of ideas for a longer story with him, of which this one could be considered a Prologue, and Hunting Night would be Chapter 1. Let’s see where it takes me. Though I really like this story, I know Kumari deserves a happy ending, and I’m sure he’ll get there, eventually.

Comments and critics are always appreciated, especially considering that my English is not perfect. This is still a “draft” version, and I plan on asking someone to revise it before I repost it for publishing.