I woke up,next to me I saw kyoko-san. I couldn't dare to look at her,her body was covered in scares even her left eye got hit,poor girl i fell so sorry for her. She was tied up next to me by a hot flameing fire place that was right behind use. The man I saw before came in though the door.
"I see you finally awakened". He said with a smile.
"what do you want wih me".I said roughly.
"nothing much just need somthing that you and kyoko-san has"
"please,master dont hurt her please I beg of you"kyoko-san said.
My eayes where still drawing in tears, my rist and ankle hurt like the burning fire of hell.I was looking frequently around the room looking for a way out of this chamber. Thats when I saw it,the window. I was waiting a couple of minutes for this fart to leave the room. He left,after he closed the door I started to struggle so I could get out of the rope i was tied in. The rope losend up nice I thought. I finished un tying my self then went for kyoko-san.
"no you can't what are you doing master will be angry if he sees where not here whan he's back" kyoko complained.
I didnt say any thing I just gave her a look. When i was done i hard foot steps coming near the door.
"look there's a window right there if we can get though it in time we can get out of this domp" I wispered.
I grabed her hand and pulled her to the window I let her go first befor I did
Chapter 2